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St. Paul's CE Primary School

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Behaviour - The St. Paul's Way

‘One child, one teacher, one book, one pen, can change the world.’  Malala Yousafzai

Learning is our core business. To enable this to happen effectively, we put in place strong routines and procedures. At St. Paul’s, the three rules for pupils to follow are:

  • Be ready
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe

Each child has their own copy of our ‘pupil contract,’ which explains our three rules in school. This is kept as a reminder in each child’s toolkit and referred to during the school day. A class behaviour charter is also visible in all classes, exemplifying what each rule looks like in action.

Pupil Behaviour 

All adults at St. Paul’s are responsible for managing pupil behaviour.

Children are still learning how to behave and as adults, we are responsible for teaching them how to do this. Our Behaviour Policy clearly outlines the expectations of behaviour from pupils and staff.

We aim to:

  • Provide a safe, comfortable, and caring environment where optimum learning takes place
  • Provide clear guidance for children, staff and parents of expected levels of behaviour
  • Use a consistent and calm approach
  • Ensure all adults take responsibility for managing behaviour and follow-up incidents personally
  • Ensure all adults use consistent language to promote positive behaviour
  • Use restorative approaches instead of punishments

Promoting positive behaviour is a huge part of our role modelling within school. Let pupils know when they have done well, and always acknowledge the positive behaviour noticed from pupils in classes other than your own. 

Where pupil’s behaviour falls below the expectations of the school, it is everyone’s responsibility to address this. Any records of behaviour incidents are logged on Arbor in order to ensure the consequence system is applied efficiently.



“It is teachers who have created positive teacher-student relationships that are more likely to have above average effects on student achievement.”  John Hattie


Getting to know the pupils at St. Paul’s is a vital part of our job.

 ‘Good relationships are built out of structures and high expectations. The teacher-student relationship is important, but it is built on trust – and trust is built on mutually predictable behaviour. And that requires sincerely executed norms and routines. But we do not expect students to only behave when they have a strong relationship with all staff. The expectation is that students should behave well because it is the right thing to do.’ Tom Bennett

In order to develop this, all staff must:

  • Foster the belief that there are no ‘bad’ children, just ‘bad choices’
  • Encourage children to recognise that they can and should make ‘good’ choices
  • Recognise individual behavioural norms and respond appropriately
  • Promote self-esteem and self-discipline
  • Teach appropriate behaviour through positive intervention



‘Consistency is the true foundation of trust. Either keep your promises or do not make them.’   Roy T Bennett                                       

It doesn’t matter what we do, it matters that we all do it.

If you allow pupils to continue writing or talking when you have requested ‘magnet eyes,’ then a different member of staff who challenges this, would seem unreasonable. Pupils will be confused as to why they can do it with one member of staff and not another. They will challenge the teacher who upholds the St. Paul’s expectations, and this may damage their relationship with that teacher.

Being inconsistent undermines our culture and shows pupils that some adults do not care as much as others. This in turn creates a perception with pupils that some adults are more important than others. The St. Paul’s Way establishes a culture where all staff are equal.

Leading by Example

“Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means” Albert Einstein

Our words, our manners, and how we dress, demonstrate the behaviour and language we want to see from others.

All staff must:

  • Smile and be welcoming to all children
  • Be visible on the playground, or at the front of the classroom, at key points during the day
  • Be in the classroom, ready for each session
  • Be on time for break duty and when collecting pupils from the playground
  • Always pick up on children who are failing to meet expectations
  • Always redirect children by referring to our school values

We must take care to always speak to each other with the utmost respect. Failure to do so will be challenged as it damages the culture and ethos within the school.

We are one team, with one mission, working as part of one family.