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St. Paul's CE Primary School

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Forward As One CE Academy Trust


Safeguarding in the Curriculum

Our safeguarding curriculum plan details how to help pupils keep themselves safe from harm. This includes messages which are taught through the Relationships and Sex Education and PSHE curriculum, alongside content delivered through some of the external agencies we work with.



St. Paul's is a Kidsafe school and we have trained members of staff who deliver the programme from EYFS-Year 6. Pupils are provided with age appropriate skills, knowledge and understanding to help them recognise and respond to issues such as consent, healthy relationships, identifying trusted grown-ups, peer pressure etc.  

Children will also learn about the wider safeguarding curriculum which includes: road safety, anti-bullying, Dogs Trust etc.  St. Paul's aims to ensure the curriculum promotes an understanding of the values needed to live within a democratic society including the rule of law, and individual liberty. It will promote tolerance and respect for all faiths (and those of no faith), races, genders, ages, disability and sexual orientations.